Monday evening, Woody Allen announced the cast of his yet-to-be-titled film, set in San Francisco and New York. (This is different from his upcoming summer feature with Jesse Eisenberg, To Rome With Love, which is set in Rome.)
The cast is…eclectic, to say the least. To say the most would be calling it the work of either an insane genius or just a regular insane person. Let’s take a look, shall we?
Woody Allen announced today the cast of his latest untitled film. Starring, in alphabetical order, are Alec Baldwin, Cate Blanchett, Louis C.K., Bobby Cannavale, Andrew Dice Clay, Michael Emerson, Sally Hawkins and Peter Sarsgaard. Co-stars include Max Casella and Alden Ehrenreich. It is a Gravier Productions film produced by Allen’s long time producers, Letty Aronson and Stephen Tenenbaum.
The new film will be shot in New York and San Francisco this summer. This marks Allen’s second time directing in San Francisco — his directorial debut, 1969’s TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN, was also set there.
Of course, everyone is flipping biscuit’s over the casting of Andrew Dice Clay, most recently seen playing himself on Entourage, though a close second is Louis C.K. (Though we could absolutely see the FX star as a blue-collar Woody surrogate in the feature.) But the other members of the cast are just as strange: Cate Blanchett and Alex Baldwin are the biggest names on the roster, but we just can’t imagine those two with any type of neurotic sexual chemistry.
Then there’s Michael Emerson, better known as the villainous Ben Linus from Lost, who absolutely should be in everything, ever. But maybe not a Woody Allen movie? Unless Andrew Dice Clay will be playing a Smoke Monster going through a mid-life sexual crisis, only to be aided by the help of his best friend, a grown-up Vincent Delpino.
Add Peter Skarsgard, and you have a farrago of stoic, emotionally-repressed character actors…and Andrew Dice Clay. Based on the casting, we’re going to assume that Mr. Allen’s next feature will be a tense melodrama, in the vein of Matchpoint or the one with Ewan McGregor that no one saw.