After former Assemblyman Jimmy Meng, the father of current Assemblywoman — and congressional candidate — Grace Meng, was arrested last week for allegedly soliciting an $80,000 bribe to fix a court case, Ms. Meng’s Republican opponent, Councilman Dan Halloran, very directly declined to comment for the time being. But Mr. Halloran still has thoughts on the issue, as evidenced by his endorsement speech for a Republican Council candidate the day after Mr. Meng was indicted.
“Because he’s a Republican, the type of scrutiny that he’s going to get is unreal,” Mr. Halloran said of the media’s future treatment of Andy Sullivan, a candidate against incumbent Brooklyn Councilman Vinnie Gentile in 2013. “In my race, my opponent had her father arrested and indicted in federal court yesterday for scamming $80,000 out of a Chinese businessman, on tape, by FBI. And he bundled one quarter of her money for her race, but they don’t even mention her! Don’t even mention her!”
Mr. Halloran was likely referencing a report that Mr. Meng had fundraised “heavily” for his daughter, although the exact amount he helped raise isn’t easy to ascertain.
“If that had been me, it would have been as if I committed the crime,” he added. “Why? Because I’m a Republican.”
Watch Mr. Halloran’s entire endorsement of Mr. Sullivan below: