MakerBot ‘Levels Up’ with the Replicator 2: a Sleeker 3D Printer with ‘Brooklyn Swagger’

"What did I say? It's the future, huh?" Marty Markowitz tells the crowd.

“We leveled up to bring you this today,” MakerBot CEO Bret Pettis told the crowd at the company’s press conference in Brooklyn this afternoon.

The startup responsible for bringing 3D printing to the mainstream–with a nudge from Stephen Colbert, of course–announced a breakthrough: the fourth-generation of MarkerBot’s 3D printing device, dubbed the Replicator 2. You’ll see it soon enough. The gleaming metal rectangle graces the cover of the October issue of Wired.
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MakerBot ‘Levels Up’ with the Replicator 2: a Sleeker 3D Printer with ‘Brooklyn Swagger’