Want to be in a movie? According to AllThingsD, The Internship–that absurd comedy starring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn depicting them as 40-somethings who somehow score internships at Google (GOOGL)–has moved to the San Francisco Bay Area for its final weeks of filming. A casting call for extras revealed that they’ll be filming today at Stanford and throughout San Francisco next week.
Another casting call is looking for an “Owen Wilson stand in” for The Internship. If you work in the San Francisco area, are 25 to 45 years old, have blond hair and are a little under 6 feet, you can get paid $20/hour for standing around looking like Owen Wilson. Hey, it beats loudly talking about some app you’re building in a hip mid-Market coffee shop, hoping some investors with cash to spare might just happen to overhear you.
Would-be actors of Asian descent are also in luck! If by “luck,” you mean getting paid $8/hour (literally minimum wage). Betabeat unearthed another casting call, and The Internship is “looking for people to play Asian Stanford Students on Friday, September 14th.”
We really hope this casting call isn’t a harbinger of things to come in the film. Furthering rather outdated racial stereotypes about engineers at Stanford is probably a form of “comedy” best relegated to awkward Hacker News commenters.