Tell us how you really feel, Councilman Lew Fidler.
Mr. Fidler, a known critic of his fellow councilman, Charles Barron, is definitely not on board with his colleague’s potential plan to campaign for the Public Advocate’s Office in 2013.
“I have a number of thoughts on the item about CM Barron seeking the office of Public Advocate, yet another office for which he is unfit to serve,” Mr. Fidler explained in an unsolicited email about the topic sent to Politicker last night. “You have to wonder what kind of smoke there is in that smoked filled room that he calls his inner circle.”
Addressing Mr. Barron’s congressional campaign earlier this year, Mr. Fidler went on to point out Mr. Barron’s lackluster performance in his own electoral base, and accused him of hypocrisy in his expected plan to swap seats with his wife, Assemblywoman Inez Barron. “I am sure that he would be the first to criticize others who propose to do the same…. as if there is no one else in his community capable of representing people in a competent way,” wrote Mr. Fidler.
But perhaps most notably, Mr. Fidler leveled some of his sharpest criticism over Mr. Barron’s recent election to district leader, which allows him to serve alongside his wife in Brooklyn’s Democratic organization. Mr. Fidler felt Mr. Barron’s continued advocacy of the Freedom Party, which seeks to elect third party candidates instead of Democrats, was a fundamental conflict.
“Mr. Barron was elected to be the head of the Democratic Party in his Assembly District. Yet, he talks about ‘building’ the Freedom Party,” he argued. “That statement alone is grounds for a disenrollment proceeding in the Democratic Party, and that is something I would consider initiating if I felt it were truly worth my time and effort.”
This is not the first time Mr. Fidler took issue with the Freedom Party.
View the full missive below:
I have a number of thoughts on the item about CM Barron seeking the office of Public Advocate, yet another office for which he is unfit to serve.
You have to wonder what kind of smoke there is in that smoked fill room that he calls his inner circle.
He is proud that the entire world opposed him and somehow this makes him a credible candidate for an even wider office? Why? Because fewer people will actually know him in the Bronx?
He is proud that he won East New York even though the Jewish media conspired to defeat him. Interesting conjunction there, as there likely are few if any Jews in East New York.
He mentions East New York, one of the neighborhoods that he was elected to represent for the past 11 years because it may well be the only neighborhood that he won…if indeed he did. He was drubbed in Canarsie which is also in his district. The margins there were close to three to one against their “home” Councilman.
And it is nice to know that he admits to conspiring with his wife to “swap” seats. I am sure that he would be the first to criticize others who propose to do the same…. as if there is no one else in his community capable of representing people in a competent way.
And finally, this past September, Mr. Barron was elected to be the head of the Democratic Party in his Assembly District. Yet, he talks about “building” the Freedom Party. That statement alone is grounds for a disenrollment proceeding in the Democratic Party, and that is something I would consider initiating if I felt it were truly worth my time and effort.
Charles Barron is affable, personable and funny, but he is also irresponsible and dangerous. He was defeated for Congress by far more people than “the Jweish media” which certainly had every good reason to oppose him. As did the 70% of the voting Democrats who did so as well.
and that sir is all on the record.
Lew Fidler