Bill de Blasio Responds to Andrea Peyser

Bill de Blasio has had enough of Andrea Peyser. Sign Up For Our Daily Newsletter Sign Up Thank you for


Bill de Blasio has had enough of Andrea Peyser.

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The New York Post columnist once again slammed the public advocate in a column today, claiming the mayoral candidate is “daring the media” to write about his wife’s past as a lesbian activist and that he is “protesting way too much.”

“Bill and Chirlane appeared all over TV and at the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, whining and complaining and daring the media to cover a story that, were the de Blasios not so obsessed with it, would simply go away,” Ms. Peyser declared, labeling the story she was writing about the “nonstory of the season.”

In addition to accusing Mr. de Blasio of being too far to the left on matters of public policy, Ms. Peyser argued he mischaracterized her previous column about his wife, where she wrote, “Lesbians don’t simply get cured, as if homosexuality were a temporary disease.” The public advocate responded by writing a letter saying Ms. Peyser “seems to define those who are gay or lesbian as suffering from a ‘disease’ from which they ‘don’t simply get cured.’” In her follow-up today, however, Ms. Peyser claimed she never made the comparison.

This afternoon, after a union rally at John F. Kennedy Airport, Politicker asked Mr. de Blasio if he found the Post follow-up piece persuasive. Needless to say the answer was “no.”

“Over the last few days, my wife and I think we’ve said everything we have to say about how proud we are of our family, how deep our love is,” he succinctly replied. “Andrea Peyser is way out of bounds on this issue and has been on many others.”

Bill de Blasio Responds to Andrea Peyser