Opening: “The Order of Things” at NurtureArt
Curator Jamillah James writes in the statement for her Foucauldian–titled show that it “considers the shift in our relationship to the universe in light of recent apocalyptic predictions.” Perfect fare to begin the year with, to be sure. The exhibition features seven sterling young artists: Lisha Bai, Leah Beeferman, Ethan Greenbaum, Elisa Lendvay, Demetrius Oliver, Allyson Vieira and Joe Winter. —Andrew Russeth
NurtureArt, 56 Bogart Street, Brooklyn, 7–9 p.m.
Book Launch: Alternative Histories: New York Art Spaces 1960 to 2010 at Eyebeam
Eyebeam hosts the launch of Alternative Histories, a book documenting 140 alternative art spaces, magazines and projects, co-published by MIT Press and Exit Art. —Michael H. Miller
Eyebeam, 540 West 21st Street, New York, 6–8 p.m.
Screening: “Young Frankenstein” at the Sunshine Cinema
Gene Wilder plays the film’s eponymous mad scientist in Mel Brooks’s screwball sendup of Mary Shelley’s classic novel. His tap dancing duet with the monster (a heavily made-up Peter Boyle) is worth the price of admission alone (they sing “Puttin’ on the Ritz”), as is just about every moment of Marty Feldman’s performance as the hunchbacked, wonky-eyed Igor. —Zoë Lescaze
Sunshine Cinema, 143 East Houston Street, New York, midnight, $10
Opening: Martin Soto Climent at Clifton Benevento
A show of new sculptures by the excellent Martin Soto Climent! Past work has relied heavily, materially, on wine bottles, beer cans and food delivery bags, so there’s really no telling where he’ll go this time. —Dan Duray
Clifton Benevento, 515 Broadway, Suite 6BR, 5–7 p.m.
Diana Cooper “My Eye Travels” at Postmasters
Hooray for Diana Cooper! This new show “brings together groups of photographs, photo-collages and spatial hybrid constructions that in an accumulative way convey a disorienting imaginary landscape.” The gallery is an important part of this, with sky lights and electrical outlets incorporated into that landscape. So there you go. —D.D.
Postmasters Gallery, 459 West 19 Street, New York, 6–8 p.m.
Opening: An exhibition curated by Haim Steinbach at the Artist’s Institute
Each semester, CUNY’s Artist’s Institute devotes its programming to the work of one artist. For the fall season, sculpture maestro Haim Steinbach was its focus. To close out the run of events and shows, Mr. Steinbach has organized a group exhibition by “talking to his peers and friends,” according to the outfit’s news release. Artists in the show include Peter Halley, Rachel Harrison, Nancy Shaver and Steel Stillman. A great crew by any measure! —A.R.
The Artist’s Institute, 163 Eldridge Street, New York, 6–8 p.m.