Alligator Enthusiast Mulling Mayoral Campaign

As the field of mayoral candidates competing for Gracie Mansion continues to grow, Politicker stumbled upon a contender who has,

(Photo: YouTube)
(Photo: YouTube)

As the field of mayoral candidates competing for Gracie Mansion continues to grow, Politicker stumbled upon a contender who has, thus far, flown under the radar of local political insiders.

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Amid the candidates listed on the Wikipedia page for the 2013 New York City race is “Cen Alligator,” who is described as an “alligator enthusiast from Astoria.” His inclusion on the page is supported by a link to a YouTube video where Mr. Alligator announces his potential mayoral bid and explains that getting added to Wikipedia’s potential list of candidates is actually the raison d’etre for his campaign.

“The main reason I made this video is that I can prove a point on Wikipedia that I can just make up a YouTube video and record myself and then  put myself on the potential list of candidates for Mayor of New York City, you know,” he said. “Because this is straight from the horse’s mouth, it’s a real citation. It’s a real thing. It’s not a fake thing at all. It’s a genuine, real thing. It’s true. Straight from the horse’s mouth.”

According to Mr. Alligator, his electoral effort was inspired by perennial candidate Jimmy McMillan and his Rent Is Too Damn High Party.

“I am deeply considering it, spending my life savings, to run for mayor of New York City,” Mr. Alligator says in the video. “I don’t know why, but it seems like a good idea. There’s the Rent Is Too Damn High guy, and I could officially create the Alligator Party and demand to be made Mayor of New York City.”

After announcing he’s mulling a mayoral bid, Mr. Alligator goes on to make a series of somewhat rambling statements about what he believes he could accomplish in City Hall while waving multiple, seemingly random objects including a The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time video game cartridge and a vibrating massager. Despite his apparent enthusiasm, Mr. Alligator did present some reservations about running, particularly about the effort that would be involved in mounting a citywide campaign for mayor.

“But then that would require me to have to do something, you know,” he said of the potential bid. “It would actually require me to like go out and do things, meet politicians, do this and do that. I don’t think I want to do that.  A lot of these people have like mental retardation or something. Because, like, oh God, our entire political system is a shambling joke at this point.”

While he didn’t present much of his political platform and not much is known about Mr. Alligator (or even his real name) the candidate did say his first move as mayor would be to legalize medical marijuana, “So I don’t have to be a criminal to smoke a plant that has been smoked since the Stone Age.”

If there are any future developments on this emerging campaign, we will be sure to update forthwith.

Watch below:

Alligator Enthusiast Mulling Mayoral Campaign