Gov. Chris Christie, Senate President Steve Sweeney and Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver (D-34) of East Orange will be at the New Jersey State League of Municipalities’ 21st Annual Mayors’ Legislative Day at the Statehouse on Feb. 6.
The event, which starts at 8:30 a.m., will take place in Committee Room 4.
Local leaders will discuss various subjects, including the return of full funding of energy tax receipts, Hurricane Sandy, shared services, interest and arbitration reform, and affordable housing .
Other speakers who are scheduled to appear include: League President and Mayor Janice S. Mironov of East Windsor Township, mayors from the League Legislative Committee and various members of the Legislature.
Rounding out the program is the League’s 15th Annual Elected Officials Hall of Fame Induction (details for this can be found on the League site under “Call for Action”). Lunch will be followed by an informative tour of the Statehouse.
For more information, call Danielle Holland-Htut at 609-695-3481 ext 118 or