In State of State, Andrew Cuomo says he will let NYers abandon Sandy homes. [ArchPaper]
But Governor says there will be no casino in NYC, just three upstate. [CapitalNY]
And the governor’s transit plans from the SoS. [WNYC]
Wall Street ferry crash injures dozens. [Journal, Times]
Long Island City crane crash injures nine. [Times, Curbed]
City unveils Rockaway boardwalk plans, vendors back next summer. [CapitalNY, News]
Sandy drove up insurance costs for landlords citywide. [Real Deal]
Manhattan rents tick down, but brokers are psyched. [Journal, Crain’s]
Meanwhile, condos are at their lowest numbers in years. [Daily News]
Kelly Rippa lists her Crosby Street condo for $25 M. [Curbed]
Barclays Center gets new 70-foot “Diary of Brooklyn” mural. [Brownstoner]
Hines’ 57 Leonard Street gets $350 M. financing, can start rising. [Crain’s]
More on the Lenox Lounge’s move. [NY Times]
Cosmetics heiress Jane Lauder sells 830 Park penthouse for $12.6 M. [NY Post]
UWS transit committee supports extending Columbus Ave. bike lane. [Streetsblog]
Crazy Hudson Street loft has “infinity pool, infinity price” of $24 M. [Curbed]
Retail rents have doubled in past year in Times Square. [Real Deal]
Bay Ridge loses a soda fountain, fears hipster brew pub. [BK Paper]
Roman (like, from Rome) restaurant opens in Williamsburg. [Brownstoner]
How to make your dingy apartment windows look bigger. [NY Times]
Enough with the articles about dog amenities in new buildings… like this. [NY Post]
Co-op sues resident for pot-smoking, threesome-having friends. [Daily News]
How ever could the Times make a 300-cat cat lady look chic? [NY Times]
Stage star Linda Lavin makes her Columbus Circle apartment sing. [NY Post]
Walmart opening a store in Newark. [Journal]
City preparing to transform 12,000 old parking meters into bike parking. [NY Post]
How almost half-a-billion in federal subsidies spurs on sprawl. [Streetsblog]
New MTV reality show about Washington Heights debuted last night. [Daily News]
Turning sidewalk cracks into art. [Atl Cities]