TRENTON – An Assembly lawmaker says the names and addresses of gun owners in the state should not be a matter of public record.
Assemblyman David Rible, (R-30), announced plans Wednesday to introduce a bill next week that would make gun permit information accessible only to law enforcement. The lawmaker says his proposal is in reaction to a New York newspaper that published the names and addresses of gun permit holders in its coverage area.
Rible, a former police officer, said he fears for the safety of current and retired police officers.
“Criminals seeking revenge on law enforcement will now have a handy map right to their front doors,” Rible said in a release. “Publishing the addresses of law-abiding gun owners, including police officers, is both irresponsible and dangerous.”
Rible said the personal information should only be available to law enforcement.
“Making this information available in the newspaper essentially provides a blueprint for criminals looking for guns,” he said. “Information on who possesses a gun should be available only to law enforcement and not to every criminal who picks up a newspaper.”