Sorry, Forever Alones: Those Bikini Pics in Your Inbox Probably Contain Malware

Sigh. So much for 2013 being better.

(Photo: Emsi Soft)
(Photo: Emsi Soft)

Did you receive an email this holiday season from a kind-hearted woman who just wanted to celebrate Christmas by sending random strangers pictures of herself in skin-bearing bikinis? Free noodz from an anonymous hottie seemed too good to be true! And indeed, it was.

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Sophos’ Naked Security reports that malware is currently circulating via screensavers of bikini shots landing in the inboxes of hapless Internet folks.

According to Naked Security, a malicious Trojan horse is embedded within an executable screensaver file sent by a woman who claims to have attached those bikini pics she promised you. If you open it expecting to see a sexy screensaver, all you’ll get is a computer full of malware.

If a lady didn’t actually promise you pics of herself in a bikini, probably don’t open the email. Plus, if you’re that starved for naked lady pics, might we suggest you explore the Internet outside of your work inbox?

Sorry, Forever Alones: Those Bikini Pics in Your Inbox Probably Contain Malware