Google (GOOGL) announced a campaign this morning that would allow non-developers to score a pair of Google Glass by tweeting a missive about what you’d do with the specs along with the hashtag #ifihadglass. The whole thing quickly devolved into a bunch of bad Twitter jokes. But techies, it seems, are pretty desperate to get their hands on Glass.
First, we have tech writer Jason Kincaid, who made a music video about how badly he wants Glass. If he doesn’t win, at least now the Internet knows what a magical singing voice he has.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJXwxx3B2A4]
Business Insider writer Nich Carlson wants to use it to make “better, experience based slideshows.” NEW MEDIA JACKPOT.
There were the suckups:
I would google plus all day long… #ifihadglass
— Alexander Taub (🔺👁🔺) (@ajt) February 20, 2013
The impossibly topical entries:
#ifihadglass I would make 24 hour long Vines.
— Spencer Chen (@spencerchen) February 20, 2013
#ifihadglass I would run twitter ads in them.
— Spencer Chen (@spencerchen) February 20, 2013
The geniuses:
Can I get a Geordi Laforge version of Google Glass? #ifihadglass
— BarryBlankenship (@BarryTheArtGuy) February 20, 2013
The humblebraggers:
#IfIHadGlass this is what I'd do to change news: https://t.co/ub4oo0Qj
— Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) February 20, 2013
#ifihadglass I would bring the world to it's knees. Also pictures.
— Nate Lowe (@Natkinns) February 20, 2013
And of course, the doubters.
#ifihadglass we'd be one more set of eyes closer to a persistent, pervasive surveillance state http://t.co/bXS5dcUK
— Kashmir Hill (@kashhill) February 20, 2013
As for Betabeat, we made the completely rational and reasonable offer of our left kidney, but are still waiting for a response from Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google/Babies.