Mayor de Blasio Would Let Vampire Weekend Write City’s Official Song

Public Advocate Bill de Blasio is a big fan of the band Vampire Weekend, apparently. Sign Up For Our Daily

Bill de Blasio, Steve Buscemi, and Vampire Weekend. (Screengrab: YouTube)
Bill de Blasio, Steve Buscemi, and Vampire Weekend. (Screengrab: YouTube)

Public Advocate Bill de Blasio is a big fan of the band Vampire Weekend, apparently.

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“I just can’t wait for the new album, Modern Vampires in the City!” Mr. de Blasio, a candidate for mayor this year, says in a promotional video released today. “It’s something that I’ve been waiting for. I can’t wait for it to come out.”

The entire exchange, set between Mr. de Blasio and actor Steve Buscemi, one of the candidate’s more prominent celebrity endorsers, feels just a little forced as the two pretend to bump into each other outside of a local bowling alley. The public advocate professes his love for Vampire Weekend, even name-checking two of their songs, “A-Punk” and “Oxford Comma.”

Mr. Buscemi, who is directing a video for the band, guides Mr. de Blasio over to the group, who just so happen to be standing nearby.

“If you become mayor, if these guys vote for you, do you think that they could write the official song for New York City?” Mr. Buscemi asks.

“For four votes?” Mr. de Blasio jokingly answers. “Absolutely. Unquestionably.”

Watch below:

Mayor de Blasio Would Let Vampire Weekend Write City’s Official Song