Booting Up: Now Elon Musk Wants to Build a Futuristic Rapid Transit System, Go Figure

After a steady stream of complaints about hacking and spam, BT (a.k.a. British Telecom) is moving its six million customers

Mr. Musk, please take my money. (Photo via
“What else can we do with my money?” (Photo via

After a steady stream of complaints about hacking and spam, BT (a.k.a. British Telecom) is moving its six million customers off Yahoo! email. [Telegraph]

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“What we have concluded is that illegal enterprises — commercial child pornography, human trafficking, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking and organized crime — has largely moved to an unregulated system that is not connected to any central bank or national authority.” Yikes. [New York Times]

The guy who runs Google (GOOGL) Fiber says Google Fiber will make money for the company. [CNET]

Now Elon Musk wants to build something called a Hyperloop, a futuristic transit system that’ll get you from L.A. to San Francisco in 30 minutes. Guess Mars is just too mainstream these days. [Business Insider]

Soft Bank Capital has raised a $53 million fund to invest in early-stage startups based here in New York. [AllThingsD]

Booting Up: Now Elon Musk Wants to Build a Futuristic Rapid Transit System, Go Figure