After a steady stream of complaints about hacking and spam, BT (a.k.a. British Telecom) is moving its six million customers off Yahoo! email. [Telegraph]
“What we have concluded is that illegal enterprises — commercial child pornography, human trafficking, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking and organized crime — has largely moved to an unregulated system that is not connected to any central bank or national authority.” Yikes. [New York Times]
The guy who runs Google (GOOGL) Fiber says Google Fiber will make money for the company. [CNET]
Now Elon Musk wants to build something called a Hyperloop, a futuristic transit system that’ll get you from L.A. to San Francisco in 30 minutes. Guess Mars is just too mainstream these days. [Business Insider]
Soft Bank Capital has raised a $53 million fund to invest in early-stage startups based here in New York. [AllThingsD]