Booting Up: Google Assures Us That It’s “Not in Cahoots With the NSA”

If we’re to believe the tweets of Vine’s cofounder Dom Hoffman, it looks like the Twitter app is adding some

Digg Reader. (Photo: Digg)
Digg Reader. (Photo: Digg)

If we’re to believe the tweets of Vine’s cofounder Dom Hoffman, it looks like the Twitter app is adding some new features along with a slightly tinkered layout. Wonder why! [AllThingsD]

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Google (GOOGL) said yesterday that it’s “not in cahoots with the NSA,” in an attempt to quell concerns that the government’s PRISM program is an open door to user data. [NBC News]

Oh good, now you can add pictures to your comments on Facebook. We’re sure that’s going to look great. [CNET]

Here’s a fascinating story of how Betaworks, which bought Digg when it “was really a carcass,” created its Reader with a team of 15 people in 60 days. [Wired]

XBox One is pulling two previously planned features that angered users, like checking to see if gamers are online every 24 hours and eliminating restrictions on disc-based games. Yay? [Verge]

Booting Up: Google Assures Us That It’s “Not in Cahoots With the NSA”