Best Tech Events This Week (Real Estate Tech 2013, Ed Tech Summit, Hardwired, Wearable Tech Expo, CommonBond Summer Social, Decoded Fashion, NY Gaming, NY Video)

This is a guest post from Gary Sharma (aka “The Guy with the Red Tie”), founder and CEO of GarysGuide

This is a guest post from Gary Sharma (aka “The Guy with the Red Tie”), founder and CEO of GarysGuide and proud owner of a whole bunch of black suits, white shirts and, at last count, over 40 red ties. You can reach him at gary [at]

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Holy kryptonite, Batman! Superman vs. Batman, the movie, is really happening. Snyder and Cavill are in, but the big question is, who’ll play the Dark Knight? Also, my money is on a Justice League film by 2017.

Don’t miss this week: Wednesday is Decoded Fashion’s Anniversary Startup Showcase with Firstmark’s Lawrence Lenihan (and I’m giving away five free passes). Thursday is the New York TimesOpen Source Science Fair. Also on Thursday is the Art Directors Club Presents: Startup, with folks from Charity:Water, Piccolo, BKRY, Flixmaster and Barnum (and I’m giving awaythree free passes). Friday is BUZZtheBar Happy Hour (mention GarysGuide and get in free).

Also this week: the U.S. Mission to U.N. and Office of eDiplomacy host TechCamp NYC, a two-day workshop connecting journalists in conflict zones, NGOs and others with technologists.

Coming up: Young Tech Summer on July 31 (WIX, Primesense, GetTaxi, Wedeeo, Mobileye). TalkNYC’s Innovation in Impact Marketing is also on July 31 (Droga5, Kenneth Cole, Causes, charity:water). Ad Think II: Emerging Tech in Advertising will be on August 6 (Adcade, Locket, Oneqube, SponsorHub), ditto VentureOutNY’s Brazil.

Love Demo Days? Well, you’re in luck, pal! Dreamit Health Philly is this Wednesday, Coalition for Queens’ Access Code next Monday, 500 Startups next Wednesday, Dreamit New York on August 7 and ER Accelerator in early September.

Dog owners, ahoy! My buddy Alex Taub is organizing a get-together for tech peeps who have dogs. Don’t be surprised if ya run into any puppies sporting Google Glasses! Bonus: also check out FitBark launch party on Thursday @ eBay HQ. 

Deadline for Miller Lite’s Tap The Future business plan competition is August 1. Apply for a chance to pitch Shark Tank’s Daymond John and nab $250,000 in grand prize money (and $20k for each city winner).

Wanna submit a panel to the SXSW Panel Picker? Apply by this Friday. Nominations for the PATH Awards (Promoting Advancement of Tech in Healthcare) are also due this Friday. Deadline for Code for America fellowships is July 31. And deadline for Blue Button Co-Design Challenge ($55k in prizes!) is August 5.

Also check out the Games Forum Fellowship Program, a great way for indie developers and designers to get plugged into the game development community!

I’ve recently written quite a bit about beer + breweries + Brooklyn. After running into Brooklyn Brewery founder Steve Hindy a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been busy reading his book, Beer School. Well, guess what? Someone’s actually made a documentary about the industry and its history, called Brewed in Brooklyn. It premieres tonight at 8pm. Filmmakers John Weber and Kim Bjorheim will be hosting a Q&A and talkback session. Go check it out, and yup, there will be free beer!

And now let’s see what’s going down in the Alley this week…

10th Hardware Startup Meetup
With Aymerik Renard (Highway 1 and PCH International Accelerator), Greg Marsh (Keyme), Jonathan Cedar (Biolite Stove) and Sean Petterson (StrongArm Vest).
Monday (July 22), 6:30 p.m. @ AlleyNYC, 500 7th Avenue, 17th Fl.

NYC Gaming July: Demo Night
Demos by Hermit Crab in Space, Killer Queen, Crystal Brawl, Synthesis, Mountain Nailer, Shape Jam, Falling and Organic Panic.
Tuesday (July 23), 6 p.m. @ Microsoft, 1290 Avenue of the Americas

Hardwired NYC #2
With Jenny Lawton (President, MakerBot), Mike Harris (CEO, Zonoff), Brian Langel (cofounder and CTO, Dash) and Ryan Rzepecki (Founder and CEO, Social Bicycles).
Tuesday (July 23), 6 p.m. @ kbs+, 160 Varick Street

NY Video July Meetup
With Kelly Day (CEO, BlipTV), Noah Rosenberg & Emon Hassan (Narratively), Chris Danzig (CameraTag) and Charley Miller (TouchCast).
Tuesday (July 23), 6:30 p.m. @ Columbia University – Warren Hall, Amsterdam Ave at 115th Street, Rm 208

Wearable Tech Expo
Wednesday (July 24), 8 a.m. @ Kimmel Center for University Life, 60 Washington Square S.

NJ Tech Meetup 38
Feature speaker is Lewis Schiff (Inc., author of Business Brilliant). Demos by geekrowd, and Sproute.
Wednesday (July 24), 6:30 p.m. @ Babbio Center at Stevens Institute Of Technology, 1 Castle Point Terrace, Hoboken

CommonBond Summer Social Series: Empowerment through Entrepreneurship
With Alexa von Tobel (founder & CEO, LearnVest), Matthew Brimer (cofounder, General Assembly) and Christopher Altchek (cofounder, PolicyMic).
Wednesday (July 24), 6:30 p.m. @ ?WhatIf! Innovation, 137 2nd Avenue

Decoded Fashion Anniversary Startup Showcase: Investing in Branding & Underthings
Special guest: Lawrence Lenihan (Founder & Managing Director, FirstMark Capital). Presentations by Tommy John, RevolutionWear, Fleur du Mal and Brayola. I’m giving away five FREE passes.
Wednesday (July 24), 7 p.m. @ (The New Fashion District) GRIND, 1412 Broadway, 22nd Fl.

Brooklyn Tech Meetup – Philly Startups
Presentations by Real Food Works, Curalate, Artisan and RJ Metrics.
Wednesday (July 24), 7 p.m. @ Geraldo’s Cafe at Brooklyn Law School, 205 State Street, Brooklyn

Education Technology Innovation Summit 2013
With Jordan Goldman (Unigo), Arun Nagarajan (Google), Heather Gilchrist (Socratic Labs), Andrew Cohen (Brainscape), Adam Enbar (Charles River Ventures) & others.
Thursday (July 25), 8 a.m. @ India House Club, 1 Hanover Square

Art Directors Club Presents: Startup
With folks from Awesome, charity:water, Barnum, Piccolo, The BKRY and FlixMaster. I’m giving away three FREE passes.
Thursday (Jul 25), 6 p.m. @ Art Directors Club, 106 W 29th St

RETech 2013 – The Future of Real Estate + Tech
With Justin Bedecarré (42Floors), Danny Shachar (CompStak), Yusha Hu (HonestBuildings), Andrew Flint (ViewTheSpace), Dave Eisenberg (Floored), Rob Caucci (SpaceSplitter), Jonathan Wasserstrum (The Square Foot), Harry Etra (CodeGreen) and others.
Thursday (July 25), 6 p.m. @ Grind, 1412 Broadway

CPU Startup Competition Final Round
Judges include Ting Jia (McKinsey), Carlos Cesta (Verizon Ventures), Chris Ivey (EquaMetrics), Matthew Waldman (Nooka), Alice Chiu (Chole + Isabel), Shirley Luo (Goldman Sachs), Sean Auriti (Hackert0wn) and An Yan (Fordham University).
Saturday (July 27), 2 p.m. @ Fordham University McMahon Hall, 155 W. 60th Street, Rm 109

More events on the horizon…
Media Mega Mixer on July 17 @ WeWork Labs
Access Code Demo Day on July 29 @ See Exhibition Space
Show Me the Money: Accelerators: Startup Scourge or Supercharger? on July 29 @ General Assembly East
Mediabistro Presents: Inside Bitcoins – The Future of Virtual Currency on July 30 @ The New Yorker Hotel
TalkNYC: Do Good Better | Innovation in Impact Marketing on July 31 @ Crosby Street Hotel
Summer Opportunity Mixer on July 31 @ Center for Social Innovation
NYC: Mobile-First Startup Panel on July 31 @ Foursquare
The Young Tech Summer Meetup on July 31 @ Slate
Dating Disrupted: How Technology is Redefining Chemistry Romance on August 1 @ Projective Space
The Voting Information Projects first-ever NYC Hackathon on August 2 @ AlleyNYC
Ad Think II: Emerging Tech in Advertising on August 6 @ Ernst & Young
VentureOut Presents: The Brazilian – A Tech Demo Event on August 6 @ Greenhouse
August NY Tech Meetup on August 7 @ NYU Skirball Center For The Performing Arts
Designers + Geeks: Sharp Corners and Learning Curves on August 8 @ General Assembly

Until next week. Stay thirsty social, my friends! 😉

Best Tech Events This Week (Real Estate Tech 2013, Ed Tech Summit, Hardwired, Wearable Tech Expo, CommonBond Summer Social, Decoded Fashion, NY Gaming, NY Video)