Morning Media Mix

Day Two of Eliot Spitzer’s comptroller campaign and so it’s basically still Christmas for the tabloids. But there is less hopeful anticipation

(Illustration by Lauren Payne)
(Illustration by Lauren Payne)

Day Two of Eliot Spitzer’s comptroller campaign and so it’s basically still Christmas for the tabloids. But there is less hopeful anticipation than yesterday. Now, reality is setting in and while there is plenty of fun for reporters to have with Eliot Spitzer,  he is no Anthony Weiner. There is not an endless supply of pun-filled headlines.

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The New York Post ran with straight forward “Sleazy Does It” while The Daily News used the somewhat more convoluted “I’ll lick ’em all” and then, parenthetically noted  that the headline is a reference to Mr. Spitzer’s rival politicians, not escorts. So there’s that. (The New York Post/The Daily News)

In other news:

Barnes & Noble CEO William Lynch somewhat abruptly resigned, the book chain announced yesterday after the markets closed. (paidContent)

John Miller, News Corp’s former digital exec, is joining Shari (daughter of Sumner) Redstone’s Advancit as a partner. (All Things D)

“Winning in digital media now boils down to a simple equation: figure out a way to produce the most content at as low a cost as possible.” (Digiday) President Mike Smith left for Hearst, where he will lead the revenue platform and operations for the company’s digital division. (The New York Post)

The two tabloid covers:

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