Headline of the Day: “Indicted Assemblyman William Boyland Can’t Spell What He’s Accused Of Stealing.”
Second Place: “How Americans Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Philandering Politicians.”
BKLYNR did a deep dive into the feud between the Brooklyn Young Republican Club and Brooklyn Young Republicans club: “Even those who actively follow Brooklyn politics could be forgiven for entirely missing the Brooklyn GOP blog war, which raged from 2009 to 2011 … To all those involved, though, it was a major event, full of grave accusations and vicious name-calling.”
The New York Times profiled how candidates campaign at subway stops, including rules like requiring them to stay 25 feet away from station booths and ticket kiosks “Pick up your fliers,” Adam Lisberg, the MTA’s spokesman, added. “People are going to slip and fall, and they’re not going to sue John Liu’s campaign — they’re going to sue us.”
The New York City Board of Elections, not known for inspiring confidence, somehow just discovered 1,579 ballots they didn’t count on Election Day last November. Fortunately, the votes were from precincts at Brooklyn Borough Hall and the Carroll Gardens Public Library, two heavily Democratic areas without closely contested general elections.
CWA Local 1182, which represents about 3,000 traffic and sanitation agents, endorsed former Comptroller Bill Thompson Wednesday, although some questioned the endorsement’s effectiveness. For example, Councilman David Greenfield quipped, “We give out tickets & we say vote for Billy!”
Former Congressman Anthony Weiner, known to make controversial claims about Israel and Palestine, spent his July 4th at an event hosted by Muslims for Peace, or Ahmadiyya, a very small group of Muslims that believe in a prophet after Mohammed and are persecuted for it. At the meeting, Mr. Weiner discussed his marriage to a Muslim.
And this is a partial transcript of a Times article on Mr. Weiner and a heckler:
HECKLER: You should be ashamed of yourself!
WEINER: I’m ignoring you.
HECKLER: So Anthony Weiner, apparently, is afraid of free speech!
WEINER: Stop yelling at me.
HECKLER: You should apologize.
WEINER: You’re showing no respect. I am talking to somebody.
HECKLER: You showed no respect to our soldiers who died because of your shameful vote.
WEINER: You know what? I’m showing you all the respect you deserve.
HECKLER: You showed no respect —
WEINER: Cut it out! Stop with the show! You’re acting like a bozo.