The El Paso Times reports that the Texas Department of Transportation has deemed illegal a new installation by Richard Phillips, done in conjunction with Neville Wakefield and Playboy in Marfa, Texas.
The piece consists of a 40-foot-tall neon Playboy logo sculpture next to an elevated muscle car. The TxDOT found that it had no permit, and is in fact ineligible for any kind of permit, given the nature of the installation. They were first alerted to the sculpture by a Marfa local. From the story:
Lineaus Lorette, a certified public accountant in Marfa, initiated the complaint against Playboy Marfa.
“I thought it was a sign — a corporate logo. And in Texas you can’t put up signs without permits,” Lorette said. “I checked and it didn’t have a permit so I filed a complaint.”
Playboy has 45 days to remove the structure.
Thanks to Animal New York for pointing us to this news.