Ai Weiwei: Bo Xilai Trial Shows China’s Backwardness

Over at Bloomberg, Ai Weiwei has written an opinion piece on the trial of former Chinese Politburo member Bo Xilai.

Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei, member of the jury, is pictured on a screen as he announces from China the winners of the 18th edition of the Hivos Tiger Awards in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, on February 1, 2013. (Courtesy Getty Images)
Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei, member of the jury, is pictured on a screen as he announces from China the winners of the 18th edition of the Hivos Tiger Awards in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, on February 1, 2013. (Courtesy Getty Images)

Over at Bloomberg, Ai Weiwei has written an opinion piece on the trial of former Chinese Politburo member Bo Xilai.

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It’s been a fascinating trial and Mr. Ai has, perhaps obviously, been following it closely:

“As China assumes a more central role in international affairs and touts its rapid economic growth over the past 30 years, its leaders seek to establish a reputation for governing society according to the rule of law. Tested by Bo’s trial, the new leadership has struggled to maintain that fiction, and to appear open and confident before its people. Ultimately, those efforts have failed.

“Bo’s case must have felt to party leaders like a tumor growing near a carotid artery — too dangerous to treat, yet too aggressive to be left alone.”

Read the entire piece at Bloomberg.

Ai Weiwei: Bo Xilai Trial Shows China’s Backwardness