Here’s a life hack: Maybe don’t talk about your dope smoking on social media? Teens are apparently yammering about their Silk Road purchases on Tumblr, but even that’s not as bad as the Canadian man who tried using Twitter to order up some weed, as though it were Seamless for drugs.
City News Toronto reports:
Sunith Baheerathan, who tweets under the handle@Sunith_DB8R, sparked a viral sensation on Tuesday when he wrote “Any dealers in Vaughan wanna make a 20sac chop? Come to Keele/Langstaff Mr. Lube, need a spliff.”
After police saw the message, his next paycheque apparently went up in smoke, according to messages posted on his Twitter timeline.
Rather than pleading JKJK, Mr. Baheerathan followed up his firing by tweeting, “Never knew weed smokers are more wanted in society than shooters & rapists. Big smh to all of y’all,” which City News Toronto helpfully explains, “for green Twitter users, can mean ‘shaking my head.'”