Reshma Saujani Jumps on the Policy Book Bandwagon

Just like several of the leading mayoral contenders, public advocate candidate Reshma Saujani has a new policy book. Sign Up

Reshma Saujani (Photo: Facebook)
Reshma Saujani (Photo: Facebook)

Just like several of the leading mayoral contenders, public advocate candidate Reshma Saujani has a new policy book.

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Ms. Saujani’s booklet, released today, is similar in format to those released by Gracie Mansion hopefuls Anthony Weiner and Christine Quinn and lists initiatives on a handful of major topics, including jobs, education housing and government reform.

(The proposals perhaps also reflect her hard-charging campaign that mirrors many of the operations of those for much higher offices, such as rapid-fire fund-raising appeals.)

Among the initiatives proposed: advocating for paid parental leave for working parents, an effort to map the disparities in tech access across public schools, and a plan to make the public advocate’s office a transparency “watchdog” in the city with new efforts to scrutinize public-private partnerships and a push to remove the speaker’s role in allocating City Council discretionary money.

“Having served as Deputy Public Advocate, I know first-hand what the office of Public Advocate can accomplish on behalf of New Yorkers, and I plan to harness all its potential,” Ms. Saujani said in a statement set to be released along with the book to supporters today.

The full book is available here, with the section highlighting her initiatives aimed at women and girls below:

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Reshma Saujani Jumps on the Policy Book Bandwagon