As soon as the first juicy excerpt of Nick Bilton’s Twitter creation story hit the Internet, people tweeted their little hearts out expressing their hope for a Social Network-esque movie based on the book.
Well, here’s a rumor to keep that pot boiling. Regarding turning Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal into a film, “interest is swirling at Sony and several other major Hollywood studios,” TechCrunch reports.
Just for your own background, interest-swirling is the crucial step before concept-forming in Hollywood. That’s followed by treatment-writing, screenplay-pitching, screenplay-drafting, pre-production, rewrites, and only about 36 more steps before an actual movie plays in actual theaters.
The tome could be transformed into either a movie or a Netflix or HBO miniseries, TechCrunch says. That site’s editor, Alexia Tsotsis, thinks Elijah Wood would be a good fit to play Jack Dorsey. Well, as long as tech journos are weighing in, allow Betabeat to cast its vote for Andrew Garfield. Toss him some blue-green contacts and he’ll be a dead ringer!
But clearly, Hollywood’s first order of business should be to chop about nine words from that painfully long title. We don’t see Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal fitting on a movie poster. How about something like The Social Network 2: Electric Boogaloo instead? You’re welcome.