Kellner Mailer Urges Upper East Side to Support ‘Real Democrat’

Assemblyman Micah Kellner, who lost the Democratic primary for an Upper East Side City Council seat but is continuing his

Front side of the Kellner mailer.
Front side of the Kellner mailer.

Assemblyman Micah Kellner, who lost the Democratic primary for an Upper East Side City Council seat but is continuing his campaign on the Working Families Party line, wants voters to know he is the “real Democrat” in the race.

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The mailer, first reported by Crain’s New York Business, urges Democrats to vote for him on the WFP line–even though the third party has dropped its support, asked him not to run and endorsed the Democratic nominee, Ben Kallos.

It also addresses sexual harassment allegations against Mr. Kellner, which have battered his campaign since emerging last July.

“Dear Neighbor,” reads a letter from Mr. Kellner, touting his record on a litany of issues. “Only recently, allegations were made about my conduct four years ago. While these accusations have been grossly distorted and blown out of proportion, I do sincerely apologize for any distraction they may have caused.”

Another, anonymous mailer making the rounds in the district features a photo-shopped image of Mr. Kallos wearing an apron and standing in front of supermarket shelves. The piece suggests that Mr. Kallos wants to teach children inside bodegas and unused storefronts. The claim is sourced to Mr. Kallos’s policy book, although the exact reference wasn’t immediately clear; it could be attacking a Kallos proposal to use empty commercial space to alleviate overcowding in schools.

The mailer in the district.
The other mailer in the district.

During the primary, Mr. Kallos was criticized by Mr. Kellner and at least one voter in the district for using anonymous–and far more negative–mailers, although the campaign admitted sending them when asked.

Mr. Kellner did not immediately return a request for comment on the mailer today but a Kallos spokeswoman called the latest salvo “desperate.”

“These mailers are desperate and unfortunate,” the spokeswoman, Sarah Anders, said in a statement. “Ben will keep focusing on making government more accountable, and improving schools and senior services. Micah Kellner put his record before voters last month and was soundly rejected.”

Mr. Kallos has been endorsed by almost all of the Democratic establishment and is considered a heavy favorite for the seat. Republican David Garland is also in the race.

View the mailers below:
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Kellner Mailer Urges Upper East Side to Support ‘Real Democrat’