Michael Bloomberg is no stranger to being heckled, and with just a few weeks left in his tenure, the mayor demonstrated his experience today.
“Fuck you! Power to the people!” a protester reportedly yelled out at as the mayor was speaking at a Veterans Day ceremony in Madison Square Park.
“Okay. Thank you, sir. We appreciate that,” said Mr. Bloomberg, calmly, as the heckler continued to hurl insults, according to a video posted by NTDTV.
“Okay. That’s okay. Way to go. Okay,” the mayor said as the heckler was promptly escorted out of the ceremony by security as he yelled something about the NYPD’s controversial stop-and-frisk tactic.
Mr. Bloomberg swiftly pivoted to a patriotic message that fit the event: “Let me just point out something: In no other country could somebody do that. Just remember that.”
The audience clapped and Mr. Bloomberg returned to his speech.
Watch below, video via New Tang Dynasty Television.