Red Hook Nativity Scene Overrun By Feral Cats

So there is a new war on Christmas, and it’s adorable. Feral cats have taken over a Red Hook nativity

Christmas cats. (Photo via RLJR News/
Christmas cats. (Photo via RLJR News/

So there is a new war on Christmas, and it’s adorable. Feral cats have taken over a Red Hook nativity scene and are either ruining it or making it 1,000 times better, depending on your feelings about cats, Christianity and Red Hook’s transformation into a town called Ulthar.

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On a slow news day like today, this lukewarm clickbait/non-human interest piece about some not-that-cute animals has turned into catnip for the entire Internet. Look at these unspayed, possibly disease-carrying cutie-pies, pretending to be Baby Jesus.

For more breaking news, we turn to the Channel 6 News team:


Red Hook Nativity Scene Overrun By Feral Cats