Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has already dusted off an old desk and shifted staff around the building, has now added colorful stadium seating to City Hall.
Earlier this week, staff moved twin pairs of vintage chairs—one from the old Yankee Stadium and one from the old Shea Stadium where the Mets used to play—from a back room to right in front of a conference room on the building’s ground floor.
The room is often used for meetings and is right next to the Blue Room, where the mayor frequently holds press conferences.
“They thought it would be nice for them to be shown a bit more publicly, as well as make some space,” said de Blasio spokesman Phil Walzak.
Another aide joked the seating could prove useful, allowing staffers with disagreeing points of view to sit separated on opposite sides of the doorway as they wait for meetings to begin.
But Mr. Walzak said the chairs, which are not bolted to the floor, haven’t quite taken off yet.
“I have not seen anyone actually sit in them. I think people may be afraid, they don’t want to break, they’re icons from the two institutions,” he said, inviting Politicker and a New York Post reporter to test them out (a little creaky but comfortable),
One thing Mr. de Blasio will not be adding, he said: Red Sox paraphernalia, even though they’re the mayor’s favorite team.
“Mets and Yankees only here,” joked Mr. Walzak. “Sorry to disappoint you.”