Of Shopping Carts and Sabotage: 10th Annual Idiotarod Race Takes to the Streets

The competition is no Alaskan dog race, but an amalgam of shopping carts, crazy costumes and happy hipsters in the streets of New York City.

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Saturday marked this years’ 10th annual Idiotarod NYC race.  The competition is no Alaskan dog race, but an amalgam of shopping carts, crazy costumes and happy hipsters in the streets of New York City.

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The race was made of about 100 participants, divided into about 12 teams with five people on each team. Here are the official rules:

1. Each team must consist of one shopping cart and at least 5 team mates.

2. Each team can attach things to the cart, make a riding platform, grease the wheels and chop up the cart– but all pieces must be part of the final design.

3. Bribery Encouraged!: Judges and Checkpoint Monitors enjoy all forms of bribery and favors and, yes, bribery will help garner prizes. 

4. Sabotage: Good natured and ingenious sabotage is encouraged but nothing can be done of a malicious nature (like damaging the art of others carts) or that may hurt the existence of the race itself.

5. Do Not Litter!: The hurling of food objects or other materials is strictly prohibited and will result in expulsion from the race.

6. Respect: Please respect the police, the public, traffic and each other. This event’s continued existence is reliant on the cooperation of each participant… Inspired Idiocy = Yes, Douchey Stupidity = No.

Saturday’s race was officially known as the “Idiotorodorama” because apparently the people of Alaska don’t have a sense of humor. The group was issued a cease and desist from Alaska from the original creators of the Idiotarod race for using the term “Idiotarod” without having any rights to it.

“Your use of Idiotarod is likely to cause confusion by suggesting that ITC is somehow associated with your race. Your use of Idiotarod is certainly likely to dilute ITC’s famous mark by reducing its sole association with the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, and by causing the public to associate the mark with an event that celebrates wacky costumes and antics over one that honors the endurance and athleticism of champion sled dogs and the courage and skill of the men and women that run them,” Jon S. Dawson who represents Davis Wright Tremaine  LLP, complained.

Check out these photos from the festivities and judge for yourself. 

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Of Shopping Carts and Sabotage: 10th Annual Idiotarod Race Takes to the Streets