Reviewing Artforum’s Advertisements: January 2014

It just seemed like a nice thing to do, sharing this nude picture of Basquiat with you. --Michael H. Miller
Silent, still, beautiful. —Andrew Russeth
This may not read online but it's a calcified book for Dean's new show, which is about JG Ballard. Wouldn't have minded the inclusion of a James Spader reference (e.g. Crash, 1996), but otherwise a flawless ad. —Dan Duray
Love that you can almost hear this ad. —Z.L.
"What an odd paring!" you probably said at some point. Well check it out, hotshot. They go together just fine. Not so smart now, are you? Your face is an odd paring. —D.D.
In keeping with my apparent theme this month of naked dudes, well, here's another one.--M.H.M.
Jack Smith meets Carolee Schneemann meets some really creepy things. What's not to like? —A.R.
Ha, see, it's upside down. —D.D.
These shapes, like distorted versions of the skyscrapers or of the city's inhabitants, look just great up there. Thanks, Bluhm Family Terrace! —Z.L.

It’s January, folks, and we’ve got a new Artforum issue. We’re a little bit late on it this month, I know, but it’s been hard to get back in the swing of things. Also, there’s so much to read in the magazine that it’s taken a while to get to the ads. Dana Schutz, Cary Loren and Philip Levine on the Detroit Institute? Benjamin H. D. Buchloh on Allan Sekula? J. Hoberman on Jean-Luc Godard? Yes, please! But now, the advertisements. There are some fine ones.

Click the slide show to take them in.

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