Tab This! A Nondefinitive List of Ideas We’re Claiming Dibs On

Anyone who deals in the news business knows that it’s a constant push/pull between creating content on a daily basis

We're calling it.
We’re calling it.

Anyone who deals in the news business knows that it’s a constant push/pull between creating content on a daily basis and implementing larger, new ideas. The best concepts can take months (if not years!) to formalize and put into practice. One of the worst feelings in the world for a journalist or editor is sitting too long on anything—a trend, a scoop, a new blog, whatever—only to find that someone managed to take your Truth and run it down the 50-yard line to their own Nieman Journalism Lab profile.

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To that end, The New York Observer would like to formally plant a flag on the following ideas, which will no longer be available for use by any other media or nonmedia entity, from here to eternity, regardless of whether they see this post or not.

The New York Observer‘s Ideas ™:

-Rex Reed reviews, but read aloud by the voice from Her.

-4-D printing?


-Newsletter roundup of all the Gwen Ifill-related Twitter hacks happening in your zip code.

-Vertical that covers media news in New York. (Still looking for that credit, Capital! Please link when you get the chance.)

-A new kind of social media platform/app that’s both an industry disruptor and yet intuitive enough that it supplants all previous incarnations.

-Tabs Zero.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Tab This! A Nondefinitive List of Ideas We’re Claiming Dibs On