Would You Spend $100,000 on a Dinosaur-Related Prop From <em>Jurassic Park</em>? (Video)

When I was a kid, my favorite movie in the world was Jurassic Park. I was in love with Jeff

Clever girl (Ebay UK)
Clever girl (Ebay UK)

When I was a kid, my favorite movie in the world was Jurassic Park. I was in love with Jeff Goldblum and his matted chest hair: Sue me, but it was the sexual awakening of my tween-hood. I saw that movie 12 times in the theater before I was bat mitzvah age, no lie.

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And if I had been aware that the cage in which the islanders kept Velociraptors was on sale in the late ’90s, you can bet I would have petitioned to have it bought for me to celebrate my becoming a woman.

In case you needed a refresher for what cage we’re talking about:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz5JmgLQEzs]

Now comes this prop, via EbayUK, which includes an actual fake raptor:


So far, the bid is up to $99,900.10, but the auction still has 8 days left on it. Still, I’m sure for whoever receives such an amazing gift, it will be absolutely priceless. (Hint hint.) (Come on, dad.)

Would You Spend $100,000 on a Dinosaur-Related Prop From <em>Jurassic Park</em>? (Video)