Stay the Night: Bookings for ‘Al’s Grand Hotel’ at Frieze New York Are Open

For those fairgoers who simply cannot tear themselves away from the pleasures of Frieze New York (or want bragging rights

Public Fiction, 'Ad for Al's Grant Hotel,' 2014.
Public Fiction, ‘Ad for Al’s Grant Hotel,’ 2014.
For those fairgoers who simply cannot tear themselves away from the pleasures of Frieze New York (or want bragging rights for obtaining the most exclusive ticket in town), your time has come: Al’s Grand Hotel, the hotel-as-artwork by Allen Ruppersberg going up on Randall’s Island this May, is now taking reservations. To book one of the two rooms—the Jesus Room ($350) or Bridal Suite ($375)—call 646-578-8471. A recorded, robotic-sounding female voice will tell you to leave your name, number and the the date you’d like to book (reservations are one-night only). A hotel representative will call you back and let you know your fate.
The hotel is part of Frieze Projects, curated by Cecilia Alemani, director of the High Line’s art programming, and is a reincarnation of the original hotel Mr. Ruppersberg created in 1971. While the first iteration of the work on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles boasted seven rooms and was operational for six weeks, this smaller version will be up and running only from May 8 through May 11 (the fair runs May 9 through May 12). Guests at the new hotel, where dinner and breakfast are included, will be able to check in at 6:45 p.m and check out at 10 a.m. Proceeds from the reservations will be used to offset production costs associated with the project, which is being executed in conjunction with Los Angeles-based project space and journal Public Fiction.
Stay the Night: Bookings for ‘Al’s Grand Hotel’ at Frieze New York Are Open