Church Lawyers Are Pretty Peeved About 'Mormon Match' Online Dating Site

They say the LDS owns exclusive rights to the word "Mormon."

Totally unacceptable. (Screengrab via
Totally unacceptable. (Screengrab via

We always knew lawyers were killjoys, but this is a whole new level of pointless legal squabbling.

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Attorneys representing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints — a.k.a. Mormonism — are arguing that an online dating site called Mormon Match doesn’t have a right use the word “Mormon” or show pictures of church imagery, temples or paraphernalia, the Christian Post reports.

The site has already attracted 1,000 users from more than 25 countries, the Post says, even though it hasn’t launched yet. Site organizers have a picture of a Mormon temple and a verse from the Book of Mormon on the landing page, which is apparently too much for LDS lawyers.

“We believe we are well within our rights to protect both the use of the name of the church and the image of the Salt Lake temple and to make clear that the plaintiff’s business has no connection whatsoever to the church,” the attorney Robert Shick told the Houston Chronicle.

What exactly are they protecting the church and its name from in this instance? Are they protecting it from helping people find dates?

If the LDS does own the rights to the name Mormon, I guess we can assume that church higher-ups are totally chill with Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s scathing Broadway musical The Book of Mormonright? Okay, cool.

Church Lawyers Are Pretty Peeved About 'Mormon Match' Online Dating Site