Lots more Jill Abramson news surfacing. Yesterday, Ms. Abramson’s daughter, Cornelia Griggs, posted a tongue-in-cheek photo of her mother in boxing gloves, hitting a punching bag, on her Instagram account, alluding to Ms. Abramson’s reportedly “pushy” managerial style. “Mom’s new hobby,” Ms. Griggs wrote. (Instagram)
The New York Post ran with the photo and put it on its front page today. The headline? “Sacked Times editor ready to rumble: AN-GREY LADY!” (Newseum)
The New Yorker’s Ken Auletta has a second report on the reasons for Ms. Abramson’s firing, which he attributed to Ms. Abramson’s dissatisfaction with her compensation. He provides salary numbers. (The New Yorker)
Eileen Murphy, the Times spokesperson, disputes Mr. Auletta’s report. (Politico)
In other media news, The Atlantic launched its newly designed website, City Lab, today. (It was formerly Atlantic Cities.) (City Lab)
CNN dismissed news editor Marie-Louise Gumuchian after it was discovered that she had plagiarized “about 50 published stories.” (CNN)
The New York Times innovation report, which was recently leaked, is “one of the key documents of this media age.” (Nieman Journalism Lab)