New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger spoke to Vanity Fair in a bid to change the narrative that has developed since he announced that he was replacing Jill Abramson with then-managing editor Dean Baquet last Wednesday.
“Of course I would have done it differently,” he told Vanity Fair‘s Sarah Ellison, when asked if he would have made a different decision when he was choosing between Ms. Abramson and Mr. Baquet to lead the paper back in 2011. And there are a lot of other gems in the story. (Vanity Fair)
The Times publisher praised Ms. Abramson for her press advocacy last night while accepting an award from The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, but he wouldn’t talk to reporters. (Huffington Post)
Andrea Peyser calls Jill Abramson an “unemployed leftist.” (New York Post)
With Aron Pilhofer’s departure, only two of the five “renegade cybergeeks” profiled in a 2009 New York magazine story for saving The New York Times are left at the paper. (Quartz)
And for some non-New York Times news….
Jezebel founding editor Anna Holmes is going to Fusion, where she will be “editor of Digital Voices and Storytelling.” What’s Fusion? It’s a cable channel with a millennial audience and a focus digital storytelling and brand…you know what? Just click the link. (Re/code)
Why do some videos go viral? Ask Neetzan Zimmerman, master of all things Internet. For example, Mr. Zimmerman knew that the overwhelming appeal of a video showing a cute kitten rescued from a smokey home by a firefighter would be undercut by the epilogue explaining that the kitten later died from smoke inhalation. (The New York Times)