Krickus and Scapicchio zero in on Cesaro’s labor ties with late artillery in Morris

Fighting back through a blizzard of late, labor cash-infused mail in Morris County, the team of incumbent Freeholder John Krickus and Dave Scapicchio savaged their rival this week with a mail piece depicting Freeholder John Cesaro as a puppet of liberal special interests.

Morris #3

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Fighting back through a blizzard of late, labor cash-infused mail in Morris County, the team of incumbent Freeholder John Krickus and Dave Scapicchio savaged their rival this week with a mail piece depicting Freeholder John Cesaro as a puppet of liberal special interests.

“Liberal politician John Cesaro – a puppet for big union bosses who want to take over Morris County government,” reads the mail piece, one of several blitzing the big northern county where three freeholder seats are in play in Tuesday’s Republican Primary.

The Cesaro Team is heavily armed with labor money as it counts on GOTV power in the final days of this contest. The Krickus/Scapicchio Team is counter punching hard with the argument that too much labor money behind Cesaro prevetns him from credibly representing Republican interests in Morris.

The mail piece also uses Cesaro’s support for the solar project settlement as a contrast point, an argument the freeholder has countered by pointing out that the freeholders inherited the solar settlement and that his rivals voted against it without providing an alternative.

Morris #2-2


Krickus and Scapicchio zero in on Cesaro’s labor ties with late artillery in Morris