The Top 10 Conspiracy Tweets During the #NYSE Outage

The conspiracy theorists (and everyone else who wanted to vent about the stock market) took to everyone's favorite sounding board: Twitte

One of many humorous images posted to social media during today's stock exchange outage. (Photo: Twitter)
One of many humorous images posted to social media during today’s stock exchange outage. (Photo: Twitter)

The New York Stock Exchange reopened trading at 3:10 today, after being shut down for over three hours because of a “technical issue.” The snafu occurred after a faulty software update that resulted in connectivity issues.

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There were no signs of malicious activity, but conspiracy theories about hacking still ran rampant, especially because United Airlines and the Wall Street Journal also experienced outages today.

And of course the conspiracy theorists (and everyone else who wanted to vent about the stock market) took to everyone’s favorite sounding board: Twitter.

Here, 10 of our favorite #NYSE tweets:

Thank God for Twitter, otherwise journalists would have nothing to do during a financial crisis.

The Top 10 Conspiracy Tweets During the #NYSE Outage