Congressional Hopeful Alex Law Courts Millennial Vote

Norcross challenger and Sanders supporter goes after younger voters for 2016 bid

Alex Law
Law targets under-35s in new campaign spot

24-year-old Alex Law, who in 2016 will attempt a run against Congressman Donald Norcross (D-1), released a video today announcing his intention to court millennial voters in New Jersey. Law is the only Democrat running for office to publicly endorse presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, who has seen considerable support in South Jersey.

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Law says that party leadership on both sides will need the millennial bloc on their sides in 2016, and emphasizes the need for young voters to recognize the influence they will carry as a massive and underrepresented demographic. See the video on Youtube here.

Law previously appeared at a Bernie Sanders event in Collingwood, where PolitickerNJ reported his opening remarks before Sanders’ live telecast. With Hillary Clinton waning in the polls and Sanders’s campaign gaining more traction with a seven point lead, Sanders may have nearly as much to gain from Law in New Jersey’s progressive circles as Law has to gain from him.

Side-stepping cliches about a demographic that will be over 100 million strong by the next presidential election, the clip manages not to mention parents’ basements, ubiquitous childhood trophies or iPhones.

Congressional Hopeful Alex Law Courts Millennial Vote