Source: Fistfight Breaks out at AFL-CIO Event

Mazzeo threatened by members of AC iron workers' union

Assemblyman Mazzeo
Iron workers threaten Mazzeo, former AC mayor Scott Evans punched during the ensuing fracas

ATLANTIC CITY – Sources close to the campaign of Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo (D-2) and Atlantic County Freeholder Colin Bell say that a fight broke out at an event sponsored by the The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations after four iron workers threatened Mazzeo on his way into the event.

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The fracas occurred last Friday night at ground zero of one of the most competitive battleground elections in the state this year, where Democrat Mazzeo faces reelection.

Four iron workers surrounded Mazzeo at the entrance on the pier, insulting the assemblyman and brushing up against him. Other members of the crowd tried to break up the scuffle, at which point Mazzeo left. The four had been drinking heavily, according to a source.

Though he was not there when Mazzeo was being hassled by the union members, Bell was at the event when fights broke out after Mazzeo’s early departure, the source told PolitickerNJ. Former Atlantic City mayor Scott Evans was allegedly punched in the altercation.

Though sources could not confirm the motivation for the workers’ initial harassment of Mazzeo, the Iron Workers’ Local 350 does have strong ties to Atlantic County freeholder Will Pauls, who is running against Mazzeo and Bell on the Republican ticket with Assemblyman Chris Brown (R-2).

Source: Fistfight Breaks out at AFL-CIO Event