There’s a lot happening over the next few weeks, and we’re not just talking about the holidays.
Facebook (META) users have been adding a number of humorous events to their calendars such as “Listening to Drake and crying,” “We all shapeshift into Matthew McConaughey at the same time” and “Get beat up by your friends for attending fake FB events.”
These satirical events may be fake (or real—you could actually partake in several of them), but they’re shaping up to be wildly popular. Some have tens of thousands of attendees and many more who are “interested.” And in preparation for the mostly self-depricating events, users are sharing memes, jokes and other fun bits about their plans.
Here are 12 jokey upcoming Facebook events:
1. Crying and eating bread by yourself on the floor
2. We all shapeshift into Matthew McConaughey at the same time
3. Pretend you’re crying because you’re cutting onions but actually just cry
4. Listening to Drake and crying
5. Crawl under the coffee table and never leave
6. Pet every single dog
7. Eat a whole pizza by yourself in one sitting
8. Laughing while eating salad
9. Pretend like nothing is wrong and live the rest of your life as a lie
10. Leaving the library to go home and enjoy capitalism
11. No time 2 study 2 busy attending fake Facebook events
12. Get beat up by ur friends for attending fake FB events
And if you agreed that Kobe Bryant’s retirement poem was pretty good, he has a poetry workshop coming up.