Following the devastating attacks on Paris, Facebook (META) not only released a French flag filter users can apply to their profile pictures to show support, but they are also actively encouraging users to make the change. The site is keeping updates regarding the filter change high up on users’ newsfeeds and is accompanying each post with a “Try It” button and message that reads, “Change your profile picture to support France and the people of Paris.”
Since the filter appeared early this morning, many have used it and some have even chosen to overlay the opaque French flag over a photo of them in France. Others, however, are disturbed there’s never been a filter to show support for other countries that have been experiencing such attacks, specifically Syria.
SEE ALSO: How to Add the French Flag Filter to Your Profile Picture
Many have taken to Facebook and Twitter to raise the question. Some are calling out users for not recognizing what they see as a double standard.
Others are calling out Facebook.