The Internet Won’t Let Steve Harvey Forget His Miss Universe Mistake

The comedian had one job. One. Job.

Steve Harvey admits to announcing wrong winner at Miss Universe. (Photo: Screenshot via YouTube)
Steve Harvey admits to announcing wrong winner at Miss Universe. (Photo: Screenshot via YouTube)

When you mess up at your job, there’s at least the hope that maybe only one or two people will notice. Be glad you aren’t Steve Harvey. When he messes up, the entire world knows about it. Harvey was hosting the 2015 Miss Universe pageant last night when this happened.

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Yeah, it doesn’t really get more awkward than that. To make matters worse, the internet has resolved to make sure nobody forgets about it anytime soon.

It’ll probably follow him back to his day job too.

And of course…

All this probably has Harvey feeling like…

At least he had help from someone who’s done this kind of thing before.
67ptRea(Via Reddit/TalktoberryFin)

You have to feel bad for Miss Colombia, though.

All that hard work for a brief moment of triumph and then…

But it’s clear that Harvey stole the show from both Miss Philippines and Miss Colombia.

He did try to apologize, but that didn’t work out too well for him either.

And to be fair, it’s not like the pageant organizers did Harvey any favors.

Look closer. Who designed that card? This is why copy editors are important, people.

One of the best memes to come out of all this has been blaming Harvey for other famous mix ups.

This looked like so much fun, I decided to try one.
Crash Harvey

The best part of all this though is that Steve himself has become his own meme. There’s no official name yet, but it could be “Sticky Situation Steve.”
hWtfcVy(Via Reddit/TalktoberryFin)

s16TWGN(Via Reddit/Janus_Grayden)

Another prevailing name is “Wrong Answer Harvey.”
cop-asks-if(Via Reddit/SgtGrumbles)


And the best/worst one I’ve seen: Dr. Steve Harvey.
yVjjhKB(Via Reddit/UsernameNotFound404)

But hey, the screw-up wasn’t all bad. Some found it kind of uplifting.

Inspiring, even.

And you know what? I think Steve Harvey’s going to be OK.

The Internet Won’t Let Steve Harvey Forget His Miss Universe Mistake