11 Hilarious ‘Little Marco’ Memes Mocking Rubio’s Florida Loss

Sen. Rubio has been the subject of many memes over the past few months, but the jokes have been in full force since the devastating loss last night.

In an embarrassing home state loss, Donald Trump beat out Marco Rubio in yesterday’s Florida primary. Stating, “It is not God’s plan for me to be president in 2016. Or maybe ever,” the establishment favorite dropped out of the race.

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Like all of the other candidates, Sen. Rubio has been the subject of many memes over the past few months, but the jokes have been in full force since the devastating loss last night. The fact that he conceded to the man that coined the term “Little Marco,” especially, has led to a lot of Photoshop fun.

Many of the memes depict him as a child.

https://www.Instagram (META).com/p/BDACc-nIr3M/?tagged=marcorubio



And there is this unfortunate photo, which didn’t require any editing.


Jokesters are pairing him with Mr. Trump.





Many memes mock his lack of support at home.


Bye, Mr. Rubio.


Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media.

11 Hilarious ‘Little Marco’ Memes Mocking Rubio’s Florida Loss