Celebrate Twitter’s 10th Birthday With Newspapers’ First Tweets

Do you #LoveTwitter? Media outlets do too

Twitter's choice to change the favorite star to a liking heart
Media companies have been among the most frequent Twitter users over the last 10 years.

Today the Internet is celebrating Twitter’s 10th birthday—the social network is marking the occasion with the hashtag #LoveTwitter, embedding a heart and Twitter bird after every use.

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Many people and organizations didn’t know what to make of Twitter, even after they created accounts. This is especially obvious after looking at the site’s “Discover your first tweet” function, which logs every account’s first 140-character burst, no matter how awkward.

News outlets in particular were very tentative when starting out, not doing much more than tweeting out headlines and links. In fact, many of the hyperlinks in those early tweets don’t work, which in some ways isn’t surprising—bit.ly linking wasn’t very common in the mid-2000s:

The only problem with this is that the URL doesn't work- bit.ly linking wasn't common nine years ago.
The Times headline structure certainly hasn’t changed in the last nine years… (Screenshot: Twitter)


...and neither has the Wall Street Journal's.
…and neither has the Wall Street Journal’s.


So are we, Washington Post. So are we.
So are we, Washington Post. So are we.


Does the LA Times need tech support?
Does the LA Times need tech support?


This seems appropriate given the Post's penchant for drama.
This seems appropriate given the Post’s penchant for drama.


One news organization did decide to welcome followers.
One news organization did decide to welcome followers.


Look how far we've come.
Look how far we’ve come.

Most media personalities just carried on a normal conversation when they joined Twitter—Rupert Murdoch recommended a book, while Arianna Huffington talked about the economy.

Celebrate Twitter’s 10th Birthday With Newspapers’ First Tweets