State Senator Loretta Weinberg (D-37) is a Teaneck resident. In Tuesday’s municipal election, she had made her support of challengers Michael Pagan and Chondra Young known. However, the challengers were unable to claim victory and the three incumbents, Mohammed Hameedudin, Mark Schwartz, and Henry Pruitt, will remain on the council.
While the outcome was not what Weinberg had been hoping for, she said she was still glad to have supported Pagan and Young.
“I was proud to support the campaigns of a new generation of young leaders, Chondra Young and Mike Pagan, and know they will continue to play a positive role in the town we all love so much,” Weinberg said.
She also offered her congrats to the incumbents.
“Congratulations to the re-elected council members Mohammed Hameedudin, Mark Schwartz, and Henry Pruitt,” she said. “I wish them much good luck and wisdom as they assume new terms of office.”
According to Weinberg, she and her office staff will still be “ready to help the Teaneck Council and all of our citizens in any way possible.”
Stephen Gruber and Jacob Herenstein also challenged the incumbents in the municipal election.
The town council will select a mayor and deputy mayor from among their ranks at the July 1 reorganization meeting. Currently, Deputy Mayor Elie Katz is serving as the mayor due to the unexpected passing of Mayor Lizette Parker in April. Katz has been backing the incumbents in the May election.
Teaneck residents will have the opportunity to select a fourth councilperson on November 8 to fill Parker’s seat. The winner of that election will hold the seat until Parker’s term ends on June 30, 2018.