Observer 2.0

Observer announces that it will no longer be publishing the New York Observer.

Observer ranks among the top 400 trafficked websites in the United States.

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Since joining the Observer over three years ago, my vision has been to transform Observer Media from a print-driven business to a leading digital media brand and platform. The results are impressive: Today we reach over 8 million people monthly and rank among the top 400 trafficked websites in the country.

Throughout our company’s history, we have never reacted passively to the status quo, and as the global media industry continues to evolve, Observer Media is focused on exploring greater opportunities to take advantage of these broader market changes. So, today we are announcing the full digital transition of the New York Observer to our premier national online platform, Effective November 9, 2016, we will no longer offer a print version of the New York Observer, while continuing to make our content available online.

Observer emerged from the brand and vision of the New York Observer, bringing thought leadership and premium content to an influential audience. We continue to focus on growth of our audience, our verticals and our team and expect to increase our video content and launch a new app in the coming year. Since the launch of Observer in 2015, we have expanded to cover national content in politics, entertainment, art, style, business and technology. We reach more people in an hour online than we reach in a week through print and will continue to focus on bringing our content to readers wherever they are, via new digital, social and mobile platforms.

Finally, we are grateful for and deeply value the hard work, diligence and creativity of our entire organization; your contributions are what have allowed us to adapt to our immense growth in readership and coverage and what will create a similarly seamless transition as we enter this exciting new phase in the future of Observer.

Observer 2.0