This Dog Was a Very Good Boy After Being Twitter Shamed by an NBC Talking Head

The 'Game Change' author sent an angry tweetstorm about a flight attendant's dog. Then the flight attendant fought back.

If you could spend an entire flight sitting next to a well-behaved dog, wouldn’t you?

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Well, don’t talk to Mark Halperin then. The NBC political talking head was the subject of widespread ridicule this weekend after he complained about sitting next to an adorable Bernedoodle (poodle/Bernese mountain dog mix) named Charlie on a Delta flight:

To his credit, Halperin backpedaled less than 12 hours later when his followers pointed out that the dog may have been a service animal, and dog Twitter began to forgive him:

But the mystery persisted: why was the dog seated next to Halperin instead of his owner?

Halperin then went on a strange rant, blaming everything from Los Angeles traffic to overhead bin issues for the mix-up:

So it turned out Halperin’s rationale for posting this widely scrutinized photo was to both delight his Twitter followers with a picture of an adorable canine and point out that Delta was wrong to separate the animal from its owner. Needless to say, his initial two-word tweet didn’t clearly express this:

But wait, there’s more: it turns out Charlie wasn’t even a support animal to begin with. The dog’s owner, Anthony Pisano,  is a Delta flight attendant who had paid for seats for both him and his dog (he didn’t pull rank like a United Airlines employee did recently).

What’s more, Pisano released a statement blaming Halperin for the whole thing.

“Halperin (I had no idea who he was) calls for a flight attendant and tells her that he refuses to sit next to a dog—those were his exact words,” Pisano said. “Next thing you know the lead flight attendant asked if I minded giving Halperin 6A. It was so strange he wouldn’t even look or speak to me about it. I couldn’t believe how rude this guy was, carrying on as I sat right next to him. So I obliged, he moved into 6A and left his shoes and a mess in his little first class cubicle area. I politely brought him his shoes and belongings…he literally looked the other way and that was that.”

To capitalize on the publicity, Pisano created a Twitter account of his own to let Halperin know there were no hard feelings:

Who’s a good boy?

This Dog Was a Very Good Boy After Being Twitter Shamed by an NBC Talking Head