Meghan Markle Beats Donald Trump on Google Ahead of Royal Wedding

Making her Markle.

She may only be a duchess, but she’s definitely the queen of Google. Chris Jackson/Getty Images

The entire world is looking forward to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s royal wedding, which will be held in London tomorrow. Anglophiles have been fascinated by Harry’s fitness regimen and Markle’s family drama.

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In fact, Markle has become so popular that for a brief moment yesterday she eclipsed President Donald Trump—on Google (GOOGL), at least.

Yes, royal wedding fever propelled the soon-to-be duchess past the embattled president according to Google’s American search traffic.

The moment the blue line (Markle) beat the red line (Trump). Google

Google confirmed the spike in search traffic for Markle’s name to Business Insider this morning.

On any given day, the Trump White House’s many scandals easily beat out royal drama on search engines. But because of the imminent nuptials, many Americans have their attention focused across the pond.

The president still likely has the most searches overall, however.

This trend data only reflects relative search volume, or the amount of people searching Markle or Trump at any given moment. Absolute search volume, which reflects interest in the two over a period of time, works more in Trump’s favor.

But it’s fitting that Markle briefly became a Google sensation, because she used the search engine to help plan her nuptials.

As The Telegraph first reported, Markle found her wedding florist Phillipa Craddock on Google.

Craddock will design the wedding bouquet and the arrangements that line St George’s Chapel. She’s actually become the preferred supplier for events at Kensington Palace, Harry and Markle’s home.

Markle and Craddock have both worked with World Vision’s World Water Crisis, a British charity which provides communities with wells and clean drinking water.

Will Markle continue to use Google for household needs, and will the world’s interest in her continue after Prince Charles walks her down the aisle? Only time will tell.

Meghan Markle Beats Donald Trump on Google Ahead of Royal Wedding