Republican Campaigns Resume Attacks Against Soros and CNN Hours After Bomb Scares

The Trump campaign's fundraising email included such questions as, "Do you trust the mainstream media to put the interests of Americans first?"

President Donald Trump. SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images.

President Trump’s reelection campaign and a PAC aligned with House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA.) were back to business as usual Wednesday, levying fresh attacks against CNN and billionaire George Soros hours after suspected bombs were discovered at the Democratic donor’s estate and the media company’s Manhattan headquarters.

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After CNN was evacuated on Wednesday following an explosive device delivered to its Manhattan headquarters, the Trump campaign sent out an email lambasting the network for its coverage of one of the president’s rallies.

“It’s time for us to give the media another wake-up call from the American people,” reads an email signed off on by the president’s daughter-in-law and campaign advisor, Lara Trump. The fundraising email, first spotted by reporter Yashar Ali, also included a “Media Accountability Survey” that included such questions as, “Do you trust the mainstream media to put the interests of Americans first?”

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The day before CNN received the suspicious package, a pipe bomb was mailed to George Soros’s Westchester estate. Despite the act of political terrorism, the House Majority Speaker promoted an ad on Tuesday night featuring the billionaire activist’s image, along with liberal donors Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg.

“We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!” tweeted McCarthy above the ad produced by Majority Committee PAC.

Republican Campaigns Resume Attacks Against Soros and CNN Hours After Bomb Scares